
  1. Plot
    1. explicit form
    2. parametric form
  2. Visuality of coodinates(both)
    1. translation of coordinates
    2. expantion of coordinates
    3. interval of the frame
    4. interval of the scales
  3. Visuality of coodinates(parametric form)
    1. step of the parameter
    2. embedding the parameter on the graf
  4. Color
  5. History
  6. Culculator
  7. Function list

  1. Plot --You have two ways of plotting: -explicit forms and parametrical forms. Input a function and a range ,then click the "plot" button or hit the return key. Telling you the truth, all graphs will be plotted by polygons, because JDK1.1 does not support spline curves ( JDK1.2 supports spline curves but browser can't read it). At first, I set the step of x very fine. However it was too slow to plot,that I set the step a little bit larger. Thus, the graph is not so beautiful. To change the step, use parametric form.
    1. "explicit form"--use 'x' for a variable
    2. "parametric form"--use 't' for a variable
  2. Visualty of coodinates
    1. "translation of coordinates"--use positive integers and the unit is piccel.
    2. "expantion of coordinates"--use positive number.
    3. "interval of the frame"--Use positive number.
    4. "interval of the scales"--Use positive integral.
  3. Visualty of coodinates(parametric form)
    1. "step of the parameter"--Use positive number for step of the parameter. If you set step=1, then probably the graf will be a polygon.
    2. "embedding the parameter on the graf" -- On the condition of "Yes", the parameter will be embedded on the graf. Use positive integral for the scale.
  4. Color --Select a color from the menu.
  5. History -- Select a function from the menu. You can regain it on the textfield with a click. Maximum capacity is ten.
  6. Calulator-- Calculator anyway, but it was the most difficult part of this program. See the function list below.
  7. Function list-- Allmost the same as Java standard functions except '^'. Java standard functions are totally same as FDLIBM of netlib .
    1. trigonometric functions(radian): sin(),cos(),tan();
    2. hyperbolic trigonometric functions: asin(),acos(),atan();
    3. argument of (x,y): atan2(x,y);
    4. exponential function:[base=e] : exp(),log();
    5. logarithmic function:[base=a] : pow(a, ),log(a,);
    6. square root: sqrt();
    7. absolute: abs()";
    8. maximum,minumum of x and y: max(x,y),min(x,y);
    9. remainder when x devided by y: remainder(x,y);
    10. round-off,round-up,round: floor(),ceil(),round()/rint();
    11. random number between 0 to 1: random();
    12. arithmetical operator: + , - , * , / , power: ^ ;
    13. math literal: e, pi;

Ogose Shigeki,