- Plot
- explicit form
- parametric form
- Visuality of coodinates(both)
- translation of coordinates
- expantion of coordinates
- interval of the frame
- interval of the scales
- Visuality of coodinates(parametric form)
- step of the parameter
- embedding the parameter on the graf
- Color
- History
- Culculator
- Function list
- Plot --You have two ways of plotting:
-explicit forms and parametrical forms. Input a function
and a range ,then click the "plot" button or hit the return key.
Telling you the truth, all graphs will be plotted by
polygons, because JDK1.1 does not support spline curves (
JDK1.2 supports spline curves but browser can't read it).
At first, I set the step of x very fine. However
it was too slow to plot,that I set the step a little bit larger.
Thus, the graph is not so beautiful. To change the step,
use parametric form.
- "explicit form"--use 'x' for a variable
- "parametric form"--use 't' for a variable
- Visualty of coodinates
- "translation of coordinates"--use positive integers and
the unit is piccel.
- "expantion of coordinates"--use positive number.
- "interval of the frame"--Use positive number.
- "interval of the scales"--Use positive integral.
- Visualty of coodinates(parametric form)
- "step of the parameter"--Use positive number for step
of the parameter.
If you set step=1, then probably the graf will be a polygon.
- "embedding the parameter on the graf" --
On the condition of "Yes", the parameter will
be embedded on the graf. Use positive integral for the scale.
- Color --Select a color from the menu.
- History --
Select a function from the menu. You can regain it on the
textfield with
a click. Maximum capacity is ten.
- Calulator--
Calculator anyway, but it was the most difficult
part of this program. See the function list below.
- Function list--
Allmost the same as Java standard functions except '^'.
Java standard functions are totally same as FDLIBM
of netlib .
- trigonometric functions(radian): sin(),cos(),tan();
- hyperbolic trigonometric functions: asin(),acos(),atan();
- argument of (x,y): atan2(x,y);
- exponential function:[base=e] : exp(),log();
- logarithmic function:[base=a] : pow(a, ),log(a,);
- square root: sqrt();
- absolute: abs()";
- maximum,minumum of x and y: max(x,y),min(x,y);
- remainder when x devided by y: remainder(x,y);
- round-off,round-up,round: floor(),ceil(),round()/rint();
- random number between 0 to 1: random();
- arithmetical operator: + , - , * , / , power: ^ ;
- math literal: e, pi;
Ogose Shigeki,