Outer Product

You need plugins for Cabri2/Cabri3D to see files embedded in htmls below, even if you have those softwares. To download plugins,please check these: cabri2cabri3D .Once you install the plugins, you can manuplate figures on the files with mouse . To move the whole figure, please drag with Ctrl key down . For reconstraction, please click the red inverted triangle. At the bottom, there are also original cabri files which you can directly manipulate with Cabri/Cabri3D SOFTWARE (not plugins).

There are also Geogebra(3.2) files. To see these files, you need Java(JDK/JVM) which you can download from here.

  1. Definition of outer product
  2. Distribution Law basic (when a*b and c are paralle
  3. Distribution Law general

Ogose Shigeki(), All rights reserved.